Programs » F.A.S.T. Student Council

F.A.S.T. Student Council

Under the guidance of the staff advisors our Falcons run an active Student Council. Elections are held first semester and second semester to give more students the opportunity to serve. Students campaign and run for the office of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and PWD (public works). In addition, each 4th - 6th grade class elects a Class Senator to attend the Student Council meetings with the officers.

Student Council leaders help run the monthly flag ceremonies, deliver news of upcoming events and dress-up days to the classrooms, create posters, and advertise upcoming projects and activities. The first semester officers attend the October Brea City Council meeting to accept the proclamation of the city to support Red Ribbon Week in the Brea Olinda Unified School District.

The second semester officers attend the BOUSD School Board meeting to make a presentation about Falcon Academy's activities. Student Council sponsors Toys for Tots, the Canned Food Drive. They also lead the recycling efforts throughout the year. Money raised by the student council is used for student activities.

Many of the student council officers continue to gain more knowledge as leaders by joining Student Government at Brea Junior High.