Welcome to Second Grade with Mrs. Matles
I am so happy to be your teacher this school year and I am looking forward to a great year!!

The best way to reach me is through my [email protected].
Suggested Supply List
Please label all items on the list below
Backpack - no rolling backpacks
Crayola Crayons
Erasers (large, hand held)
Pencil Box (small)
2 Plastic Pocket Folders (one folder for homework one folder for classroom desk)
Black Felt tip marker -Fine point
Headphones (no bluetooth headphones)
Highlighter-yellow, pink & green
Small white board
Do Not Label-shared supplies
Glue Sticks (6 LARGE)
Tissue (1 box)
Pencils yellow #2 1 box SHARPENED
Baby or no ammonia Lysol Wipes
Optional Classroom Supplies
1 ream white copy paper
Gallon size baggies
Sandwich size baggies
Thanks for stopping by!
Weekly Reminders
PE: Mondays/Wednesdays
Early Release
College Wear
Falcon blue spirit wear